Network Topology Setup For Access Control

Problem Statement:

May 18, 2021

Creating a network Topology Setup in such a way so that System A can ping to two Systems i.e. System B and System C but both these systems should not be pinging each other implement this setup without using any security rule or firewall.

Lets see the IP address of Three Systems:

System A
System B
System C

Now Lets change IP Addresses of all systems:

System A
System B

After this setting these IPs in routing table for every system:

System A
System B
System C

According to the Setup System-A should be able to ping to System-B and System-C and System-B and System-C should not be pinged to each other .

System A
System B
System C

As we can see that A is able to ping B &C but B and C are not able to ping each other.

Thank you for reading!!!!




Cybersecurity researcher | Hybrid Multi Cloud | Openstack | AWS EKS | DevOps | Docker | Kubernetes | Jenkins |AWS | Terraform